The country brand seeks to position Costa Rica as a site in addition to being recognized as a destination of no doubt- natural beauty, it accounts for a high-tech industry and innovation and has ample capacity to export high quality products, all thanks to the talent and spirit of enterprising people.
As an essence, Costa Rica is a concentrated and full of unique and exclusive country value, mainly due to its people. This is the central idea on which the essential mark Costa Rica and further developed is founded on four main attributes: articulating value, strength, pride and genuine. Among these, are grouped a number of innate values of Costa Ricans. It is important to add, that each of the topics within the brand personality were also validated by the firm Future Brand by analyzing the country’s position in international rankings and studies. Also the test results obtained by QRI testing and validated the efficiency and acceptance of the brand in key target audiences.
The use of the country brand for companies on exporting and commercial sectors will be regulated by a protocol licensing designed by the Institute of Technical Standards of Costa Rica (INTECO) to PROCOMER; while in the tourism sector, the process is performed using existing certificates for this industry (CST) and supervised by the ICT.
Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable tourism development should be seen as the balanced interaction in the proper use of our natural and cultural resources, improving the quality of life of local communities and the economic success of the activity, which also contribute to national development. Sustainable tourism is not only the answer to the application, but a prerequisite to successfully compete now and in the future condition. (Definition of Sustainable Tourism, CST 1997).
Sustainability, as a model for development, looks forward to meet the current needs of society without compromising the right of future generations to meet theirs. That is, the development of the country can not rely on an over-exploitation of resources (natural, cultural, social, etc.) to meet the needs of the population (food, housing, health, employment, …) because these resources are the only platform with which future generations have in this country to meet their own needs.
The primary purpose of the TSA is to make the concept of sustainability into something real, practical and necessary in the context of tourism competitiveness, to improve the way in which natural and social resources are used to encourage the active participation of local communities, and provide new support for the competitiveness of the business sector.
• Is the type of tourism that the country needs. • With operational efficiency that promote saving and efficient use of resources. • Tourism that is committed to the community and its needs, seeking a solution and a commitment to the environment. • Is the certification for all tourism business should join actions for conservation and management of natural risk.
Environmental Management
We have toured business management hand in hand with sustainability. Our company has compensate its carbon footprint through reforestation projects, mitigation efforts in solid waste processing and water harvesting. These tasks are projected to the community, our suppliers, customers and collaborators.
Commitment Of The Private Sector With The Global Code Of Ethics For Tourism UNWTO
Mapache Rent a Car ® signs the Commitment as a Company of the Private Sector
Basic framework for the responsible and sustainable tourism, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is an all-encompassing set of principles designed to guide the main actors of tourism development. Addressed to governments, tourism businesses, communities and tourists alike, its goal is to help maximize industry profits, while minimizing potential negative consequences for the environment, cultural heritage and societies around the world.
Approved in 1999 by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, two years after its recognition by the United Nations explicitly encouraged the WTO to promote effective compliance with its provisions. Although the Code is not legally binding, includes a voluntary mechanism through its recognition of the role of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, to which the parties may refer any matter concerning the application and interpretation of the document.
The ten principles of the Code broadly cover the economic, social, cultural and environmental components of travel and tourism.
Commitment of the Private Sector with the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism UNWTO
Agreement For The Protection Of Children And Adolescents From Commercial Sexual Exploitation In Travel And Tourism In Costa Rica.
Mapache Rent a Car ® signs Agreement for the Protection of Children and Adolescents from Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism in Costa Rica. It is a concrete and measurable way of responsible and sustainable tourism. It is a commitment of the Costa Rican tourism industry and Mapache Rent a Car ® and thereby seeks to discourage and punish the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents as an axis of responsible and sustainable tourism.